10-Minute Coaching Video

with leading PCOS expert Dr. Nitu Bajekal

70% of women with PCOS don’t have a diagnosis

Left untreated, PCOS can have huge repercussions on your body including infertility, diabetes, and heart disease.

In this free 10-minute coaching session, Dr. Nitu Bajekal simplifies the facts to help you stay ahead of your health.

You will learn which symptoms to look out for (including the less obvious signs), what to do if you suspect you have PCOS, and how to rethink lifestyle and weight management goals for a happier, healthier you.

In this coaching session, you will learn:

✓ 3 common PCOS myths to avoid
✓ Symptoms doctors often miss
✓ How to get a PCOS assessment
✓ A weight management hack you can action today

About your teacher

Dr. Nitu Bajekal is a distinguished gynecologist with over 35 years of clinical experience. She is the author of Living PCOS Free: How to regain your hormonal health with polycystic ovary syndrome and is a Fellow of the Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists.

Recognized for her outstanding contributions to teaching and medical education, Dr. Bajekal was honored with the Top Teacher Award at University College Medical School, London, following a student vote.

Dr. Bajekal is a US board-certified Lifestyle Medicine Physician. She is committed to empowering women on their health journey.

“Doctors are doing a huge disservice to women by telling them to hold off treatment until they’re trying to conceive.

PCOS has huge repercussions beyond pregnancy. I want women to know the facts so that they are empowered to help themselves.”

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