2/3 of women face workplace menstrual challenges
Yet only one in 10 receive adequate support from their employer.
We need urgent action to help workplaces adapt to women’s health needs and, in turn, better support their professional journeys.
Why take part?
Your workplace experiences will help us identify the areas that need urgent attention. The more survey completions we have, the stronger we can make the case for policy-level change.
Workplace stories
(submitted through survey)
"I've got stage 4 endometriosis, adenomyosis and fibroids. Last year, I hit my company’s sickness absence limit (6 absences within 12 months) and was summoned into disciplinary meetings. They said 'we've done everything in line with the sickness policy. If you want to leave, just leave.'”
"My male boss says not to tell him what is going on as he doesn't feel comfortable. I had to explain what menopause was to him when a member of my team was suffering badly. I can discuss someone else's needs, but can't imagine discussing mine with him."
"Having an abortion completely changed the course of my career. While I was given leave and a phased return to work, my responsibilities and team were moved to another manager."
"I suffered for years with extreme PMS symptoms. I always pushed through and was too ashamed to tell anyone. I would lie and blame it on the flu. Now, in menopause, I feel the same."
"When I asked if I could work from home due to premenstrual dysphoric disorder my manager said: Well I work until 2 am and still come into the office, so why can’t you?"
About Bloomful
We are on a mission to make gynaecological care more accessible, affordable, and empowering.
Supported by Innovate UK, we build free tools that help women assess their symptoms and work with workplaces and clinicians to improve education and access to care.