Your irregular period could be caused by...

A hormone imbalance

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When your thyroid gland doesn’t produce enough hormones (a condition known as hypothyroidism) this can lead to irregular periods.


PCOS is a condition characterized by a hormone imbalance that can disturb your ovulation leading to missed or irregular periods. Because PCOS symptoms often overlap with other conditions, it can take a long time to receive a diagnosis.

A hormone change


As you age, your production of estrogen, progesterone and testosterone drops. This period leading up to menopause is called perimenopause. One of the first signs of perimenopause is an irregular cycle.


Hormones can be influenced by new medications or medication adjustments. While these changes can impact your cycle, symptoms should subside after three months.

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Physical abnormalities

Uterine polyps and fibroids

These non-cancerous growths can cause bleeding between your periods, making your cycle seem irregular.

Lifestyle factors


Stress hormones can suppress your reproductive hormones, leading to irregular periods. Extreme exercise also puts stress on your body and can have a similar effect.


It sounds obvious, but it’s also worth ruling out pregnancy if your period is late.

In rare cases, irregular periods can be caused by:

Premature ovarian failure, when the ovaries don’t produce enough estrogen or release eggs regularly.

Infections such as pelvic inflammatory disease, which can cause inflammation of your reproductive organs, bleeding between your period and a heavier flow.

Cervical erosion, which is when cells that normally line the inside of your cervix start growing on the outside of your cervix (the lower end of the uterus). These cells are more sensitive and can cause bleeding or spotting during or after sex. They can also lead to vaginal discharge that contains blood.

Prolactinoma, a non-cancerous tumour of the pituitary gland causes decreased levels of estrogen and testosterone.

Gynecological cancers, which can cause bleeding between periods, can make it seem like your periods have become irregular.

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